Monday, May 29, 2023

What you can expect on your first pelvic rehab clinic Hackensack?


Have you taken your first appointment with the pelvic rehab clinic Hackensack? You might have surely researched and found the best rehab clinic that has experienced and trained physical therapists to treat pelvic floor dysfunction. No doubt, you will have many questions in your mind about what will take place during your initial consultation. During your initial visit to the pelvic rehab clinic, you can expect a few things.

During the initial appointment, the physical therapist carries out a comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation will begin with the complete medical history. There are several things you are asked about which are as follows:

  • In general, the state of your health
  • Any medications you are presenting taking
  • The nature of the issue and how it impacts your life
  • The treatments, if any, you have tried to date
  • Procedures or surgeries you have undergone
  • Issue-centric questions like the intensity of your pain
  • What makes the pain worst?
  • How many times do you use the washroom daily?
  • Do you feel pain while urinating, bowel movements, or sexual relations?

The physical therapists at the pelvic rehab clinic Hackensack understand that a few of these topics are highly personal and tough to discuss. But, such information is vital for the physical therapist to completely understand your problem, offer accurate diagnoses, and build a customized treatment plan.

The next thing evaluated at the pelvic rehab clinic Hackensack is your posture. Along with that, there will be an evaluation of the conduct of the musculoskeletal system. It helps the therapist to know the movement of your joints and muscles. Moreover, an internal examination is carried out to check your pelvic floor muscle to know the factors that lead to the condition you are facing. If at any point in time, you feel pain or uncomfortable, immediately let your physical therapists know about it.

Based on the details you offer and the evaluation findings, a treatment and care plan is developed for you. Such a treatment plan will comprise various elements based on your condition. The treatment plan developed is followed during the ongoing physical therapy sessions.

It is recommended to raise your concerns or ask questions throughout your treatment sessions. Pelvic floor physical therapy treatment will be successful only when you and the pelvic rehab clinic Hackensack you selected work as a team. Working together will surely help you to achieve your recovery goals. We at i-Health Physical Therapy try our level best to make your experience comfortable at our pelvic rehab clinic.