Monday, May 29, 2023

What you can expect on your first pelvic rehab clinic Hackensack?


Have you taken your first appointment with the pelvic rehab clinic Hackensack? You might have surely researched and found the best rehab clinic that has experienced and trained physical therapists to treat pelvic floor dysfunction. No doubt, you will have many questions in your mind about what will take place during your initial consultation. During your initial visit to the pelvic rehab clinic, you can expect a few things.

During the initial appointment, the physical therapist carries out a comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation will begin with the complete medical history. There are several things you are asked about which are as follows:

  • In general, the state of your health
  • Any medications you are presenting taking
  • The nature of the issue and how it impacts your life
  • The treatments, if any, you have tried to date
  • Procedures or surgeries you have undergone
  • Issue-centric questions like the intensity of your pain
  • What makes the pain worst?
  • How many times do you use the washroom daily?
  • Do you feel pain while urinating, bowel movements, or sexual relations?

The physical therapists at the pelvic rehab clinic Hackensack understand that a few of these topics are highly personal and tough to discuss. But, such information is vital for the physical therapist to completely understand your problem, offer accurate diagnoses, and build a customized treatment plan.

The next thing evaluated at the pelvic rehab clinic Hackensack is your posture. Along with that, there will be an evaluation of the conduct of the musculoskeletal system. It helps the therapist to know the movement of your joints and muscles. Moreover, an internal examination is carried out to check your pelvic floor muscle to know the factors that lead to the condition you are facing. If at any point in time, you feel pain or uncomfortable, immediately let your physical therapists know about it.

Based on the details you offer and the evaluation findings, a treatment and care plan is developed for you. Such a treatment plan will comprise various elements based on your condition. The treatment plan developed is followed during the ongoing physical therapy sessions.

It is recommended to raise your concerns or ask questions throughout your treatment sessions. Pelvic floor physical therapy treatment will be successful only when you and the pelvic rehab clinic Hackensack you selected work as a team. Working together will surely help you to achieve your recovery goals. We at i-Health Physical Therapy try our level best to make your experience comfortable at our pelvic rehab clinic.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Help From A Therapist In Planning For The Pelvic Floor Rehab Bergen County

If you are facing pelvic floor dysfunction, you must visit pelvic floor rehab Bergen County. The expert in this field will be able to guide you in the right direction. You might be worried about the pain but the professional will try and handle the situation in the best possible manner. You will not know what to exactly expect from the physical therapies related to the issue. This will be properly intimidated by the expert at the ihealth physical therapy clinic due to his years of experience and knowledge.

You can expect the following process from the therapist as a part of the pelvic floor rehab Bergen County.

Proper examination:

The first thing that the therapist does is to thoroughly examine the health of the patient. Certain medical tests are required to understand the dysfunction and plan out the pelvic floor rehab. The therapist cannot give you any medicines without knowing the exact cause and the extent of the issue. The set methods are used to have an idea of the problem for further analysis. It may take a day or more for various examinations. You have to patiently wait till the matter is understood by the doctor before the next step is undertaken.

Treatment plan:

Further, the pelvic floor rehab clinic in Bergen County requires the therapist to plan out the treatment for each patient. It is obvious that the symptoms for each patient are different and so the same plan cannot be applied. There needs to be a customized plan keeping in mind the overall health of the patient. This accuracy can be expected only from an excellent medical practitioner for this particular issue. You should visit an expert for pelvic floor dysfunction issues and not a regular practitioner.

Follow-up sessions:

Even, the follow-up sessions are outstanding with the expert in pelvic floor therapies. He might suggest you visit every day for exercise and also, prescribe medicines. You need to note down every detail after the consultation with the doctor. The expected results can be achieved only when the prescription from the consultant is properly followed. You might be given a time slot for visiting the clinic for further therapies and following the same is your responsibility. 

In this way, the therapist has to surely follow the above three steps and help the patient to get relief from the pain. Visit ihealth physical therapy for a detailed inspection of the problem and related treatment.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Physical Therapist Bergen County help people manage chronic pain


People around the world are suffering from chronic pain. This has affected their quality of life and their ability to perform a task daily. There are different methods through which the pain can be treated. Many people suggest physical therapy to cure their chronic pain, by including massages and acupuncture. This will make the pain less but they can perform their task and enjoy life. Physical therapists have treated many people with chronic pain and have shown excellent results of improvement.

Learning about Chronic pain 

People who have chronic pain, have been suffering from some level of pain over the years. This could happen because of arthritis, cancer, herniated disc, sprain, or fracture that wasn’t healed. The pain happens even when there is nerve damage. Though sometimes while examination, there isn’t a specific reason for the cause of pain. The pain starts by affecting a certain region of muscles and joints. It gets severe and impacts the movement of certain parts or actions. After a while, people are unable to move their joints or muscle because of the pain.

Physical therapists treat chronic pain 

To understand the source of chronic pain, the physical therapist will check the reason for the muscle being weak or stiff. They provide different types of exercise that will reduce stress in a particular area. This helps to reduce the pain and improve mobility for daily activities. Most of the treatments are based according to the specific condition. Exercises such as low-impact aerobic exercises, strengthening exercises, stretching, and exercises that target the area of pain are advised.

There are also passive forms of therapy that decrease the pain. It helps in improving the motion of the body. Many people apply ice and heat to the affected area to decrease the pain and inflammation caused by chronic pain. Some consider massage, which improves the blood flow of the body, and others like dry needling, as it targets the muscle knots and trigger points. 

Benefits of Physical Therapist Bergen County

According to the condition of the chronic pain, a suitable treatment is provided by the physical therapist. Physical therapy is more than bringing comfort to the affected parts. Various treatments are suggested after a proper diagnosis of chronic pain. These treatments will help to understand the problem that’s causing the pain. They improve the function of the muscles and increase their strength and motion.







Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Physical Therapy Clinic Hackensack provides help with osteoporosis



Osteoporosis takes place in people when they lose their bone density and strength. This happens due to age or gradual changes in the structure. It increases the risk of fracture as the bones get thinner, more porous, which causes pain in the body. Women postmenopausal are likely to come across osteoporosis. External factors affect the condition and many people with osteoporosis are hospitalized because of bone fracture. This causes physical limitations, and certain activities can strengthen the muscles and protect the bones.


Exercises for bone strengthening and its benefits

Exercises have a positive effect on the body. It helps people to manage their condition and has a positive impact on the bones. Exercises can be carried out normally, without a person having osteoporosis as well. Exercising can improve a person's balance and provide better bone support to their body. Through exercises, people can increase their muscle strength, which will help them increase movements in their bodies. It also helps in improving their posture and decreases the pain. 


People with osteoporosis have to be very careful as they require a physical therapist to guide them through the exercises. The physical therapist will prescribe them certain exercises such as strength training for their upper body, exercises for their flexibility, and weight-bearing aerobic exercises. The main focus of these exercises is to bring balance and stability to the person's body. People who have fractures are not given exercises that require bending and twisting. Physical therapists help people to lessen the pain by using supportive devices to improve their posture and positioning.


Managing osteoporosis with the help of physical therapy

People are diagnosed with the help of bone density tests and fitness assessments. They require a long-term treatment plan that includes sessions with the physical therapist. The physical therapist will exercise the muscles and lessen the progress of bone loss. They help people who are experiencing a decreased quality of life, be less dependant on medications.


Physical Therapy Clinic Hackensack helps people with an effective treatment plan for their pain and discomfort. They help people improve their posture and decrease the possibility of spinal fractures. They improve the alignment of the body for people to perform their everyday activities. They help people adjust their home environment to decrease the risk of their falling. They are experienced in decreasing the risk of fracture by letting people know their daily actions of sleeping and working can harm their bodies.